Sunday, February 10, 2019

Control key

Define control key:-In computing, a Control key is a modifier key which, when pressed in conjunction with another key, performs a special operation (for example, Ctrl + C); similar to the Shift key, the Control key rarely performs any function when pressed by itself. The Control key is located on or near the bottom left side of most keyboards (in accordance with the international standard ISO/IEC 9995-2, with many featuring an additional one at the bottom right.

Some of example of control key :-
Key combination
Microsoft Windows/KDE/GNOME
Ctrl + A
Select all
Ctrl + B
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + D
Font window (word processing); Add to bookmarks
Ctrl + E
Center alignment (word processing)
Ctrl + F
Find (usually a small piece of text in a larger document)
Ctrl + G
Go to (line number)
Ctrl + H
Replace; History
Ctrl + I
Italic; Incremental search
Ctrl + J
Ctrl + K
Insert hyperlink (word processing)
Ctrl + L
Create list; Left align (word processing)
Ctrl + M
Increase margin by 1/2 inch (word processing)
Ctrl + N
New (window, document, etc.)
Ctrl + O
Ctrl + P
Ctrl + Q
Quit application
Ctrl + R
Refresh page; Right align (word processing)
Ctrl + S
Ctrl + T
Open new tab
Ctrl +U
Ctrl + V
Ctrl + W
Close window or tab
Ctrl + X
Ctrl + Y
Ctrl + Z
Ctrl + shift + Z
Ctrl + [
Decrease font size
Ctrl + ]
Increase font size
Ctrl + =
Toggle font subscript
Ctrl + shift + =
Toggle font superscript
Ctrl + End
Bottom (end of document or window)
Ctrl + Home
Top (start of document or window)
Ctrl + Insert
Ctrl + Page down
Next tab
Ctrl + Page up
Previous tab
Ctrl + Tab
Next window or tab
Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Previous window or tab
Ctrl + left arrow
Previous word
Ctrl + right arrow
Next word
Ctrl + Delete
Delete next word
Ctrl + Backspace
Delete previous word
Ctrl + Alt + Backspace
Restart X11
Ctrl + Alt + Up arrow
Rotate screen right-side up
Ctrl + Alt + Down arrow
Rotate screen upside down
Ctrl + Alt + Left arrow
Rotate screen left
Ctrl + Alt + Right arrow
Rotate screen right
Ctrl + Shift + Esc
Open task manager
Ctrl + Alt + Delete
Reboot; Open task manager or session options

Caps lock

Caps lock:-Caps Lock is a key on a computer keyboard that allows users to generate letters in uppercase once activated, as in "SAMPLE," without holding down the Shift key. It is a toggle key and can be found on the left side of a computer keyboard below the Tab key. To activate the key, the user has to press it once and the button locks on the Caps Lock feature, making all subsequent typed letters the capital form. The user needs only to press it again to turn the Caps Lock feature off.

Shift key and it's uses

Define shift key:-
 The shift key is a modifier user on a keyboard, used to type Capital letters and other alternate "upper" characters. There are typically two shift keys, on the left and right sides of the row below the home row. The shift key's name originated from the typewriter where one had to press and hold the button to shift up the case stamp to change to capital letters; the shift key was first used in the Remington No. 2 Type-Writer of 1878; the No.1 model was capital-only.

On the US layout and similar keyboard layout, characters that typically require the use of the shift key include the parentheses, the question mark, the exclamation, and the colon.
When the caps lock key is engaged, the shift key can be used to type lowercase letters on many Operating system, but not Mac OS.

Uses of Shift key on computer keyboard:-
On computer keyboard, as opposed to typewriter keyboard, the shift key can have many more uses:
1) It is sometimes used to modify the function key. Modern Microsoft windows keyboards typically have only 12 function keys; Shift+F1 must be used to type F13, Shift+F2 for F14, etc.
2) It can modify various control and alt key. For example, if Alt-Tab is used to cycle through open windows, Shift-Alt-Tab cycles in the reverse order.
3) Holding shift while in a word processor will anchor the insertion point, such that moving the pointer and clicking the mouse to a new point will select the range of text in between.
4) Holding shift while drawing with the mouse in graphics programs generally confines the shape to a straight line, usually vertically or horizontally, or to draw squares and circles using the rectangle and ellipse tools, respectively.
5) The shift key can also be used to modify the mouse behavior on a computer. For example, holding shift while clicking on a link in a web browser might cause the page to open in a new window, or to be downloaded.
6) In some web browsers, holding shift while scrolling will scan through previously viewed web pages.
7) In Mac OS, holding Shift while performing certain actions, such as minimizing a window or enabling/disabling Dashboard or Mission control, makes the animation occur in slow motion. For some animations, holding control will make the animation move just slightly slower, and holding control + shift will result in an extremely slow motion animation.
On some keyboards, if both shift keys are held down simultaneously only some letters can be typed. For example, on the Dell keyboard Model RT7D20 only 16 letters can be typed. This phenomenon is known as "masking" and is a fundamental limitation of the way the keyboard electronics are designed.

Delete key

The delete key is a key on most computer keyboard which typically is used to delete either (in text mode) the character ahead of or beneath the cursor, or (in GUI mode) the currently-selected object. The key is sometimes referred to as the "forward delete" key. This is because the backspace key also delete characters, but to the left of the cursor. On many keyboard, such as most Apple keyboards, the key with the backspace function is also labelled "delete".

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Uses of computer

Computers are used in so many fields in our daily life:-From Engineers to Doctors, Students, Teachers, Government Organization they all use computers to perform specific tasks, for entertainment or just to finish office work. Computers have made our life easier. With greater precision and accuracy and less time taking computers can do a lot in short time while that task can take a lot of time while doing manually. Computers have taken industries and businesses to a whole new level. They are used at Home for work and entertainment purposes, at Office, In hospitals, in government organizations. Here we are going to discuss some of the uses of computers in various fields.

Uses of Computer at Home:-
Computer can be used at home in the following ways.
Home Budget:- Computer can be used to manage Home Budget. You can easily calculate your expenses and income. You can list all expenses in one column and income in another column. Then you can apply any calculation on these columns to plan your home budget. There are also specialize software that can manage your income and expenses and generate some cool reports.
Computer Games:-An important use of computers at home is playing games. Different types of games are available. These games are a source of entertainment and recreation. Many games are available that are specially developed to improve your mental capability and thinking power.
Working from Home:-People can manage the office work at home. The owner of a company can check the work of the employees from home. He can control his office while sitting at home.
Entertainment:-People can find entertainment on the internet. They can watch movies, listen to songs, and watch videos download different stuff. They can also watch live matches on the internet.
Information:-People can find any type of information on the internet. Educational and informative websites are available to download books, tutorials etc. to improve their knowledge and learn new things.
Chatting & Social Media:-People can chat with friends and family on the internet using different software like Skype etc. One can interact with friends over social media websites like Facebook, Twitter & Google Plus. They can also share photos and videos with friends.

Uses of Computers in Education:-CBT are different programs that are supplied on CD-ROM. These programs include text, graphics and sound. Audio and Video lectures are recorded on the CDs. CBT is a low cost solution for educating people. You can train a large number of people easily.

Benefits of CBT:-Some benefits of CBT are as follows:
  1. The students can learn new skills at their own pace. They can easily acquire knowledge in any available time of their own choice.
  2. Training time can be reduced.
  3. Training materials are interactive and easy to learn. It encourages students to learn the topic.
  4. Planning and timing problems are reduced or eliminated.
  5. The skills can be taught at any time and at any place.
  6. It is very cost effective way to train a large number of students.
  7. Training videos and audios are available at affordable prices.
Computer Aided Learning (CAL):-Computer aided learning is the process of using information technology to help teaching and enhance the learning process. The use of computer can reduce the time that is spent on preparing teaching material. It can also reduce the administrative load of teaching and research. The use of multimedia projector and PowerPoint presentations has improved the quality of teaching. It has also helped the learning process.
Distance Learning:-Distance learning is a new learning methodology. Computer plays the key role in this kind of learning. Many institutes are providing distance learning programs. The student does not need to come to the institute. The institute provides the reading material and the student attends virtual classroom. In virtual classroom, the teacher delivers lecture at his own workplace. The student can attend the lecture at home by connecting to a network. The student can also ask questions to the teacher.
Online Examination:-The trend of online examination is becoming popular. Different examination like GRE, GMAT and SAT are conducted online all over the world. The questions are marked by computer. It minimizes the chance of mistakes. It also enables to announce the result in time.

Uses of Computers in Business:-The use of computer technology in business provides many facilities. Businessmen are using computers to interact with their customers anywhere in the world. Many business tasks are performed more quickly and efficiently. Computers also help them to reduce the overall cost of their business. Computer can be used in business in the following ways.
Marketing:-An organization can use computers for marketing their products. Marketing applications provide information about the products to customers. Computer is also used to manage distribution system, advertising and selling activities. It can also be used in deciding pricing strategies. Companies can know more about their customers and their needs and requirements etc.
Stock Exchange:-Stock Exchange is the most important place for businessmen. Many stock exchanges use computers to conduct bids. The stockbrokers perform all trading activities electronically. They connect with the computer where brokers match the buyers with sellers. It reduces cost as no paper or special building is required to conduct these activities.

Uses of computers in Medical Field

Hospital Management System:-Specialized hospital management software are used to automate the day to day procedures and operations at hospitals. These tasks may be Online appointments, payroll admittance and discharge records etc.
Patient History:-Hospital management systems can store data about patients. Computers are used to store data about patients, their diseases & symptoms, the medicines that are prescribed.
Patients Monitoring:-Monitoring systems are installed in medical wards and Intensive care units to monitoring patients continuously. These systems can monitor pulse, blood pressure and body temperature and can alert medical staff about any serious situations.
Life Support Systems:-Specialized devices are used to help impaired patients like hearing aids.
Diagnosis Purpose:-A variety of software are used to investigate symptoms and prescribed medication accordingly. Sophisticated systems are used for tests like CT Scan, ECG, and other medical tests.

Input & Output device and CPU & Mouse

Define Output device:-
An output device is any peripheral that receives data from a computer, usually for display, projection, or physical reproduction. For example, the image shows an inkjet printer, an output device that can make a hard copy of any information shown on your monitor, which is another example of an output device.

Define Mouse:-
A computer mouse is a hand-held pointing device that detects two-dimensional motion relative to a surface. This motion is typically translated into the motion of a pointer on a display, which allows a smooth control of the graphical user interface. The first public demonstration of a mouse controlling a computer system was in 1968. Originally wired to a computer, many modern mice are cordless, relying on short-range radio communication with the connected system. Mice originally used a ball rolling on a surface to detect motion, but modern mice often have optical sensors that have no moving parts. In addition to moving a cursor, computer mice have one or more buttons to allow operations such as selection of a menu item on a display. Mice often also feature other elements, such as touch surfaces and "wheels", which enable additional control and dimensional input.

Define Input Device:-
In computing, an input device is a piece of computer hardware equipment used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system such as a computer or information appliance. Examples of input devices include keyboards, mouse, scanners,digital cameras and joysticks. 

Define Central Processing Unit(CPU):- 
CPU(pronounced as separate letters) is the abbreviation for central processing unit. Sometimes referred to simply as the central processor, but more commonly called processor, the CPU is the brains of the computer where most calculations take place.

Operating System

Define Operating System(OS):- Os is system software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs. The application programs make use of the operating system by making requests for services through a defined application program interface (API). There are many OS available in the market today some of them are Microsoft Windows, Apple mac OS , Linux , Android and Apple's IOS. I personally use the Microsoft Windows.

Types of OS.

The three most common operating systems for personal computers are Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, and Linux.

  • The Windows, OS X, and Linux logos.
  • The Windows GUI.
  • The OS X GUI.
  • Windows 7.
  • Mac OS X Lion.
  • Ubuntu Linux.
  • Apple iOS running on an iPad.

Operating System Components
  • Process Management. Process is a program in execution-numerous processes to choose from in a multi-programmed system.
  • Memory Management. Maintain bookkeeping information.
  • I/O Device Management.
  • File System.
  • Protection.
  • Network Management.
  • Network Services (Distributed Computing).
  • User Interface.

About me

Hello !! Blog members😎 I am Ayush Khanal. My hometown is in Jhapa but recently i live in Bishalnagar. I gave SLC from Constellation Acad...